Membership means you have come into agreement with the vision, mission, and values of the church and want to see the church grow as we continue to reach people for Christ.
Membership at Yesu En Nesar Church gives you the opportunity to serve in leadership in a greater way and gives you a vote in major decisions we make about the church. Therefore, it is important that members of the church meet certain minimum requirements, so that together we can best direct the course of the church in line with God’s heart and the mission He has given you. The minimum requirements…
For your spiritual life:
Have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and are following Him today.
Have been water baptized by immersion.
Have a meaningful prayer life.
Read the Bible as a regular part of your daily life.
In your attendance at Yesu En Nesar Church:
Have regularly attended weekend services and been a part of one or more Small groups for at least six months.
For your involvement and support of the mission of Yesu En Nesar Church:
Have regularly served in an area of ministry at Yesu En Nesar Church for the past six months.
Have faithfully tithed at Yesu En Nesar Church for the past six months.
Agree with Yesu En Nesar Church’s belief statements, strategy and structure.
Have protected Yesu En Nesar Church’s unity by acting in love towards others, refusing to gossip and following the leadership.
Desire to share in the responsibility of Yesu En Nesar Church by praying for its growth, by inviting the unchurched to attend and by warmly welcoming those who visit.
For common understanding:
We invite you to become a member by attending our Growth Track.
God has an incredible purpose for your life, and our Growth Track is designed to help you connect with that purpose. On the Growth Track, you will spend four Sundays diving into what it looks like to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose and then make a difference with your life.
This class will help guide you through the essential steps that every believer needs to take to become a fully-devoted follower of Christ including the opportunity to be water baptized. Step One takes place the first Sunday of every month.
This class will help you discover how God uniquely created you. Through understanding your personality and spiritual gifts, you will be prepared to serve others in the way God designed. Step Three takes place the third Sunday of every month.
This class will give you a basic introduction to the story, beliefs and structure of Yesu En Nesar Ministries as well as a guide for how you can get connected and join the church. Step Two takes place the second Sunday of every month.
This class is your opportunity to get connected to a ministry team. Based on your personality and spiritual gifts that you discovered in Step Three, you will be able to attend an orientation to the team that best fits your design. Step Four takes place the fourth Sunday.